Dionea Muscipula B52 is one of the largest cultivars with claws that can reach up to 2” in size.
Our Venus Flytrap terrarium is a truly mini eye-catcher that worths a double-take. It grows in a convenient-sized ecosphere that contains all the necessary nutrients to grow and thrive. No watering or insect feeding is needed. Simply unpack, place, and watch in amazement as your plant let multiplies to over 30 new plants and grows in size!
Once your Venus Flytrap exhausts the gel and outgrows the container, you can take it out using tweezers, and plant it in carnivorous soil (we sell a soil kit). By this time your Venus Fly Trap will have divided to over 30 plant clusters while increasing in height and claw size. Once the plant is out of the gel environment and in soil, it will halt the process of multiplying into more plants and focus energy on growing larger.